the reason to invest in Anytime Fitness in Italy
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the reason to invest in Anytime Fitness in Italy
Why to invest in Anytime Fitness and why to do it in Italy?.
Imagine a genuinely powerful and performing trainchise that has already created more than 3,500 gyms in the world, bringing fabulous returns to its investors and numerous satisfactions.
Imagine the most beautiful country in the world with beautiful landscapes with lots of tourism with people who can train enjoying beautiful cities and a special climate.
Imagine being able to do fitness with a window on the colosseum or being able to admire a view of Venice or Florence or the magnificence of the Amalfi Coast
Now stop imagining and start building your successful business
A great successful American project and heart and soul of the Italian people. The best performing franchise in the world and the most beautiful country in the world are an explosive mixture for the return of your investments
Many foreign investors have already chosen to invest in Anytime and in Italy because we have the same quality and experience of the fitness anytime model but we also have something more. The warmth of our people and all the enthusiasm to project your business into something really powerful.
seventy billion euro The turnover in the Fitness Industry in the worldThe Fitness Industry One of the most in existing form * source: 2014 IHRSA Profiles of Success
It is a very Safe Investment and guarantees to you:
ask for a free consultation at n. 333.3216400 or request more info here
Safe Investment
An average ROI of more than 30%
Two and a half years to achieve the return on investment;
Availability of financing;
360 ° support in all stages of construction
3 year winning
Top Global Franchise
in Entrepreneur Magazine ranking of Anytime Fitness is the fastest growing franchise in the world with the opening on average of two gyms a day.
The ambitious prize is granted on an annual basis to the best franchise according to some important criteria: financial soundness and stability over time, growth rate and system size.
Licenses are not unlimited: In some countries such as Australia and the United States they are closing and it is no longer possible to invest. Hurry up to not lose the most profitable area in your favorite city. Anytime Fitness is the franchise preferred by many foreign investors who wish to invest in Italy